Sunday, June 1, 2008

Amazing Race

At the risk of appearing incredibly self-involved, I have started a new blog. The tales on this blog will not be from Mozambique so I naturally needed a new title so I am putting "Katie's Tales from Mozambique" to rest but I am hardly done blogging. The purpose of this blog is to record the adventures of my brother and I as we backpack through Europe for a month. Neither of us have been to Europe or had much experience with public transportation- should make for some interesting stories.

I am presently sitting at my desk in Mozambique where I will compose the first month of blog entries which won't be posted until the day we travel. Not that you're interested in following exactly where we'll be from day to day, but my mom is, so Mom, this is for you:) You can see if we're traveling by train, plane, bike, taxi, bus, boat or foot and send up a prayer for us as we make our way through 8 different countries in Europe. I'll write a few of my expectations for each town so I can compare these with our actual experiences and when we return, I'll post pictures and provide the stories.

As I write this, Trent is currently in Latvia with his friend and roommate from Biola, Joe. A few days after graduating from Hope International University, he hopped on a plane, flew across the Atlantic, laughed as he watched 2 sets of women accidentally walk into the men's restroom and then run out in the airport in Dublin, and then met up with Joe. From what I can gather from his brief e-mails and my stellar facebook stalking skills, (try to say that 5 times fast) he is having a wonderful time with Joe, is making friends quickly with the Latvians, figuring out public transportation, stealing food, and exploring the Czech Republic and Latvia. I can't wait to join him! The pictures of Trent and Joe are not from Latvia- they are proof of my stalking skills. Be wary of what you post on the Internet, it might end up on my blog. (Sorry I cut you out of the pictures Dave but I didn't want people to get confused about who Joe was. Your side and a tiny corner of your head have made into the pictures though)

I, on the other hand, am slowly packing up my life in Africa, saying farewells, administering final exams, getting emotional as I prepare to leave this wonderful country, and am trying to figure out how many pairs of underwear to pack. (I am counting my bathing suit bottoms as a pair)

To offer a premise for our trip, I'm going to cheat and copy and paste an entry from a blog I posted in February about Trent and I's travels this summer with some minor revisions. (why didn't anyone tell me I spelled "coaxes" wrong?) If you are a loyal reader of my blog (mom and Heidi) you've already read this next portion.

Opening scene of the video: The year is 1986. We are in our living room. I am 4 years
old. Trent is 2, wearing only a diaper, smiling sheepishly in front of the camera while my Dad coaxes him to say his name. I intervene and spank Trent hard on his rear and giggle, "Say it Trent! Say it!" Trent responds by giggling shyly and watches me as I continue to hit his diaper and laugh myself silly. (admittedly I was a bit of an odd child but Trent was too) Flash forward 21 years. We are in our backyard at the ping-pong table. I am 25 years old. Trent is 23, wearing only his basketball shorts, smiling mischievously as he calls out the score. I interrupt and say, "Wait, I'm winning aren't I?" Trent responds by laughing obnoxiously and begins to taunt, mock, and talk trash as I begin to fume. I hate losing. I end up throwing the ping-pong paddle at Trent's face and storming inside. Next scene. Again we are in the backyard, this time with a basketball. I am determined to defeat him in one-on-one. I fake right and step left, past his leg and he shoves me hard- straight to the cement ground. Hands bloodied and stinging, I look at him with fury and yell, "I CAN'T FEEL MY HANDS!!!"

We have reenacted two of our infamous fights. The video is for the Amazing Race application. Surely CBS would eat it up. Competitive brother and sister who know how to laugh and how to push each others' buttons and go for each others' throats under pressure. Isn't that the essence of reality television? We've never actually made the video. I've always been a bit hesitant to allow the world to see me lose my cool with Trent and the timing has never been right. It still isn't. However, the timing is perfect for both of us to backpack through Europe this summer.

Heidi is married, busy chasing our little busy-bee Vander, and isn't exactly the "back-packing" type. Travis is starting up his new business venture and is about to tie the knot with our dear Emma. So the single Hardeman siblings, blessed with few responsibilities and obligations, will be strapping on the backpacks and trekking through Europe on an unforgettable adventure. (I used to think singleness was a curse. When will it be my turn God??? I've often asked. But in recent years He has revealed that just as marriage is a gift, so too, being single is a gift. Not only could I up and move to Africa, now I get to embark on an incredible journey with my brother. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by how blessed I am.)

As long as there is no competition involved on the trip, I don't anticipate any fights or hurled objects. Traveling through Europe is something I have wanted to do for quite some time and I am so excited to be able to share this adventure with my brother. Trent and I have a lot in common, including a love for awkward moments and ugly faces- I'm sure we'll have hilarious stories and disgusting pictures to share when we get home.

In my blog from Mozambique, I usually ended each entry with a "Danny Tanner moment" which in essence, is an explanation of what God had been teaching me. I don't plan on following the same pattern since I will be writing brief entries about the future, but I read this today and it struck me so I thought I'd share. I love how I can read the same Psalm a number of times but today the Holy Spirit breathed through it and I felt His presence as I read David's prayers. The following are passages from Psalm 61 and 62 which encouraged me and I hope will encourage you as well:

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faith; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you have heard my vows, O God; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O LORD, are loving. Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done."


heidiploog said...

Like the new blog!!!! I have been trying to sykpe you before you leave!!!

Family said...

Katie - that's so sick! We went to London for only a day though but would love to go back and tour some breweries and maybe see some soccer or rugby there. Paris was the bomb - I would go there for sure and spend like 4 days there. St. Germain area and the Latin Quarter - there are great Crepes there! Running in the early morning along the river to the Eiffel Tower is really one of the best memories I have from the have to go up the Arc de Triumph as well - great view of all of Paris and the Champs Ellyses. The Sacre Couer (church) is also a must in Paris. If you hit Italy - you would LOVE Cinque Terra. Email me about it and we can talk I didn't know I was that "genuine" or as my buddy put it "transparent" and as one of Cait's friend said "Intense" on my blog. I'm just being normal...guess that's just who I am, but glad you like it. KEep reading!!! and tell your friends how awesome I am. Just kidding, that was lame.

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that you too are a stalker on the internet. i have been waiting for the right time to tell you, but i have been stalking you through your Mozambique blog for a long time now. Trent told me about this new blog because he knows of my creepiness.
I have been totally blessed by some of your entries and all the others have simply entertained me. Have so much fun with your bro in Europe...i know you will!
From, Leigh (i dont even know if you remember me...trent's friend from Biola)
PS Dont be freaked out I'm pretty normal.