Friday, July 4, 2008


To celebrate our independence day, Trent and I will fly from Paris to Dublin. I'm already excited about the accents. After touring Dublin (we'll hopefully go on a singing tour- I'm assuming that means the tour guides will sing, not us), we'll leave the city to get some fresh air. When I think of Ireland I think of Leprechans, Notre Dame, bad tempers, and rolling grassing hills and cliffs. Those who know me well, know that I get a little too excited by grassy hills and rolling down them whenever I can. Ever since I saw a commercial for "Irish Spring" soap, I've wanted to go to those amazing hills for myself and get a few grass stains.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I can just imagine how many irish home videos you'll be on if you find a great hill to roll down! America was great today! Hope you thought of us and I hope you find that bring grassy hill! Or a leprechaun...both equally entertaining I'm sure